Family Violence/Special Victims Unit
The Special Victims Unit within the Norfolk District Attorney's Office provides specialized assistant district attorneys, victim witness advocates, and state police troopers that focus on cases of child sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect. The Unit is partners with the Norfolk Advocates for Children in Foxborough, a children’s advocacy center, which utilizes a multidisciplinary, culturally sensitive and child-friendly approach to the investigation of child sexual and physical abuse.
When a child alleges sexual or physical abuse, a SAIN (Sexual Abuse Intervention Network) team is assembled at Norfolk Advocates for Children. The team includes a trained, forensic interviewer, an assistant district attorney and victim witness advocate from the Special Victims Unit, a pediatric nurse trained in child trauma (PediSANE), a Department of Children and Families (DCF) worker, local and/or state police officers, and a mental health consultant. The forensic interviewer conducts the interview of the child and then the remainder of the team observes behind a two-way mirror. Following the interview, team members meet to discuss the investigation, prosecution, victim advocacy, medical follow-up, and mental health referrals. The child and family are provided
with victim services and support.
The Special Victims Unit assistant district attorneys and victim
witness advocates work with the child and their family throughout the criminal process to ensure the best prosecution of these important cases.
The Special Victims Unit and Norfolk Advocates for Children are committed to education and community awareness regarding the safety of young children and reducing physical abuse of children and are available to provide training throughout the community.
The Special Victims Unit also leads the Norfolk Child Fatality Review Team. The team, made up of medical professionals, the judiciary and law enforcement officers, regularly meets to review childhood deaths in an effort to decrease the incidents of child deaths. For helpful information regarding safe sleep practices and home safety for infants and young children see the resources below.
Boston Area Rape Crisis
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Center for Victims of Crime
Jane Doe, Inc.,
The Massachusetts Coalition Against
Sexual and Domestic Violence
National Organization for Victim Assistance
Office for Victims of Crime
RAINN, Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
DOVE, Inc. (DOmestic Violence Ended) assists thousands of victims of domestic violence each year through our 24-hour hotlines, emergency shelter and community services. During the last three decades, DOVE has grown from a small emergency shelter to a comprehensive multi-service agency providing life-saving services by addressing the complex issues of domestic violence.
New Hope
At New Hope, we work to end domestic and sexual violence by helping people live safer lives.
- Safer for anyone victimized by family and relationship violence.
- Safer for adults and children who have survived rape, incest, and other sexual assaults - as well as their significant others - all coping with the emotional aftermath.
- Safer for the partners and children of abusers who learn new, non-violent ways of interacting with others and become accountable for their own behavior
A New Day
New Hope provides free & confidential counseling and advocacy to all individuals impacted by sexual violence and/or relationship violence. |